Fall 2024 Insights cover

Insights Fall 2024

Feature articles explore studying AI at small liberal arts colleges, sports and school admissions, and paying it forward through mentorship. The issue also includes a farewell message from outgoing CEO Mark Sklarow.
Summer 2024 Insights cover

Insights Summer 2024

Featured topics include: the international boarding student experience; potential pitfalls of high school authorship; tips for therapeutic IECs and programs working with parents who resist recommendations; and DEIA in therapeutic programs.

Insights Spring 2024

Featured topics include: Generation Z’s mindset and motivations; college majors and careers in the era of AI; criteria for good-fit colleges for women in STEM; IECA’s second annual Advocacy Day; a student’s perspective on living with dyslexia; and therapeutic case studies.

Insights Winter 2024

Featured topics include: guiding student-athletes; gap year trends; finding right-fit K-12 schools; working with transgender and nonbinary students; and the importance of attunement and connection in therapeutic programs.

Insights Fall 2023

Featured topics include: anxiety in the college application process; a hands-off approach to college counseling; baccalaureate/MD programs; the changing mental health landscape; and an overview of therapeutic program options.

Insights Summer 2023

Featured topics include: state policies impacting higher ed; online courses; waitlist acceptances; a discussion about the SCOTUS affirmative action ruling; and neuropsychological and educational assessments.

Insights Spring 2023

Featured topics include: AI tools; IECA's first Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill; finding a research lab position as a high school student; the college transition conversation; athletic recruiting; and military college programs.

Insights Winter 2023

Featured topics include: critical academic skills for high school and college success; engineering supplements; advising performing arts students; DEI; graduate degrees in clinical psychology; what you do can do with a math major; and school enrollment trends.

Insights Fall 2022

Featured topics include: IECA's 2022 State of the Profession report; building a healthy college list; student-centered college consulting; international admissions; and the master's in management (MiM) program.

Insights Summer 2022

Featured topics include: mental illness and neurodiversity in college admissions; the new digital SAT; the alarming trend of youth suicides; supporting law school applicants; and benefits of early internships.