The Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) is the largest professional organization of independent educational consultants in the world. Founded in 1976, IECA is a not-for-profit association based in the Washington, DC region representing 2,800 member consultants from across the country and around the world who guide students and families through the process of finding, selecting, and applying to a college, school, or program that is a good personal match for the student.
Ethical Guidelines
IECA’s strict Principles of Good Practice ethical guidelines govern the actions of our members in their work with students and families, schools and colleges, and with colleagues. These include a responsibility to understand each student’s special strengths, values, and needs, while striving to include all family members in the educational planning process. All IECA members pledge to abide by these Principles of Good Practice and are required to annually sign and follow the guidelines as part of their association membership in good standing.
About IECA Members
IECA members come from a variety of backgrounds but share a dedication to helping students succeed and a commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. IECA members support tens of thousands of students each year. Many IECA members provide pro bono services to underserved students and volunteer with community-based organizations, nonprofits, and schools in their regions. See 10 Ways IECA Members are Unlike Other College Consultants.
About IECA
Visit About IECA for more information on our mission, history, and leadership team.
About Independent Educational Consulting
Visit FAQs on the Independent Educational Consulting Profession and What Is an Independent Educational Consultant for more information on this growing profession and what sets IECA members apart.