Fall College Tour: Heartland to the Twin Cities

September 16-20, 2024

This five-day tour will begin in Des Moines, Iowa and conclude in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Colleges included on this tour: Carleton College, Cornell College, Drake University, Grinnell College, Iowa State University, Luther College, Macalester College, St. Olaf College, University of Iowa, and University of Minnesota.

Registration for this tour is now closed.

Fall College Tour: The Lone Star State

September 16-20, 2024

This five-day tour of Texas colleges will begin in Houston and end in Dallas. Colleges included on this tour: Austin College, Baylor University, Prairie View A&M, Rice University, Southern Methodist University, Southwestern University, Texas Christian University, Trinity University, and University of Texas Austin.

Registration for this tour is now closed.

Tour Registration Process

IECA uses a lottery system to ensure fairness in the tour participation registration system.

  • When tour registration opens, all those who are interested and committed to attending will have 24 hours to complete a short form.
  • A randomizer website will select those to attend from the list of those who have completed the form.
  • Those who completed the form will have a short window to accept, register, and pay or their spot will go to the waitlist.
  • Those who are selected and decide not to attend cannot defer to a future tour or transfer their registration to someone else. They will have to enter the lottery for any future tour.

For those on the waitlist:

  • Should tour opportunities open up due to cancellations, those on the waitlist will be notified, in their randomized order.

Tours for the 2024-2025 school year include the Fall 2024 College Tours described above and a Spring 2025 College Tour (details to come).

Know Before You Register

Tours are thoughtfully planned by volunteers taking into consideration several factors, including planning a variety of schools to appeal to IECA members from all regions of the country with inclusivity in mind.

We try to include a combination of schools with national, broad regional, and special appeal–including HBCUs, CTCLs, single-sex, and those with a variety of strong programs and admission rates, when possible. Although not all the schools on this tour will work for your students, we hope you are able to appreciate them all and find something of value at each visit. Sometimes schools we would like to visit are unwilling or unable to accommodate us. This might explain their absence from the itinerary.  

An info session, tour, and student panel are requested but schools ultimately provide what they can for our visit. If time permits, we will include a bookstore visit, but it is not always possible.

We do our best to plan a tour with schools in proximity to each other but sometimes, in order to capture a variety of colleges, the schedule will include some longer drives. We also plan tours well in advance and sometimes changes occur in school priorities, budgets, and initiatives, necessitating modifications in our itineraries.

Organize a Tour

If your IECA committee would like to organize an in-person campus tour for IECA members, please fill out the form below. (Note: you must be logged in to the website to access the form.)