IECA members agree to abide by IECA’s Principles of Good Practice (POGP) and IECA’s Ethics Standards are enforced, but IECA is not the legal arbiter of business disputes that do not violate the POGP.
Here are the procedures for ethics complaints:
1) The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and/or the Chair of the Ethics Committee will try to resolve any concern informally. Informal steps include but are not limited to: apology to the offended party, listening to concern, and working through steps to resolve the issue.
If no resolution is reached, the concerned party may submit a written complaint using the form below and including a complete description of the nature of complaint, the name of the independent educational consultant (IEC), as much detail as possible, and copies of any documents, such as a contract, where applicable. The form will be submitted to IECA’s CEO. If possible, a resolution will again be attempted before moving to Step 2.
2) A copy of the complaint will be sent to the named member IEC (the Respondent), who will have 30 days to respond. This begins a formal complaint. Any response will be shared with the Complainant, and both documents will be shared with the Ethics Committee and the CEO. The CEO will also share with the Ethics Committee any previous complaints and/or concerns against the Complainant or the Respondent, formal or informal, and their resolution.
3) Within the same 30 days of the formal complaint being sent to the Respondent, either party may request a hearing before the Ethics Committee, to take place during the next IECA conference, unless all parties agree on a prior arrangement, including a video conference. Each of the principals will be invited and will appear separately. The hearing will be closed, except that the Ethics Committee may, in its discretion, seek information from other sources including the participation of the CEO or President of IECA.
4) Once the complaint and response have been circulated (and after the hearing, if one was requested), within 30 days from the hearing, the Ethics Committee, in closed session, will make a Finding of Fact and issue an Order, which may range from exoneration to termination of membership. Any action shall be based on a preponderance of all credible evidence. Decisions of the Ethics Committee are final and will be communicated to both parties in writing. The complaint, response, and resolution will be maintained in the Complainant’s and Respondent’s files in IECA office for IECA confidential use.
According to IECA’s Bylaws, “Membership in IECA may be terminated by the action of the Executive Committee or, at their discretion, referred to the Board of Directors for action based on recommendation from the Ethics Committee. The basis for termination may be for: a. Failure to comply with the Principles of Good Practice. b. Failure to pay annual dues. c. Conviction of a felony.”
5) Findings of Fact and Orders are maintained in the Complainant’s and Respondent’s file at IECA indefinitely. The fact of the respondent’s membership change, if there is one, will be communicated to the membership.
6) An Ethics Committee member may decline to participate in a particular case if he or she is close to either party either professionally or personally and the Board President will appoint a replacement. Likewise, the President may, at his or her discretion, replace a member on the case.
If you would like to notify IECA’s CEO of an issue after an attempt at an informal resolution as referred to in Step 1 of the Ethics Concern Procedures, please complete the form below.