Specialty Designations
Professional members specialize in areas of expertise known as “specialty designations.” When initially applying for Professional membership, consultants must apply for at least one of the four specialty designations (College, Graduate School, School, Therapeutic).
Professional members may apply for additional specialty and/or subspecialty designations at any time during the course of membership. The specialty and subspecialty designation(s) for which you choose to apply will be listed in the public and private IECA "Find a Consultant" directories upon approval. Adding a specialty and/or subspecialty designation informs others of the breadth of a member’s expertise.
The following information may be helpful to understanding the criteria for specialty and subspecialty designations. Any required documentation should be submitted with your application. Questions? Contact Membership Manager Caitlin Myers at [email protected] or 703-591-4850.
Specialty Designation Applications
The College (C) specialty designation is for IECA Professional members advising students who are applying for college admission. Applicants should submit the main Professional membership application with the following:
• Number of years consultant has worked with college/university clients.
• Number and names of colleges/universities consultant has visited and assessed in the last five years, including the month and year of each visit. A minimum of 50 visits to individual institutions is required. Virtual visits may be included in this list starting from the year 2020. Virtual visits may be included at a 2:1 ratio for visits provided through IECA and at a 3:1 ratio for visits provided by outside entities. IECA allows up to 40% of your total visits to be virtual.
• Number of individual clients, pertaining to this designation, placed over the last five years. This number must be either a) 35 students advised in private practice or b) 50 students advised, with a minimum of 10 advised in private practice and the balance personally advised as a counselor or admission professional.
• Brief description of professional experience in this area and the services provided.
Graduate School
The Graduate School (G) specialty designation is for IECA Professional members advising students who are applying for graduate or professional school admission. A supplemental application is required with the following:
• Official transcripts of an advanced degree, master’s level or above; alternatively, consultant may describe a combination of training and experience that demonstrates a mastery of the profession.
• Description of participation in at least three workshops or seminars on the topic of graduate or professional school admission.
• Indication of at least one graduate specialty area (i.e., business, law, medicine, etc.); applicant must have a minimum of five clients advised in each chosen area of specialty.
The School (S) specialty designation is for IECA Professional members advising students who are applying for K-12 boarding and/or day school admission. Applicants should submit the main Professional membership application with the following:
• Number of years consultant has worked with boarding and/or day school clients.
• Number and names of boarding and/or day schools consultant has visited and assessed in the last five years (including the month and year of each visit). A minimum of 25 visits to individual institutions is required. Virtual visits may be included in this list starting from the year 2020. Virtual visits may be included at a 2:1 ratio for visits provided through IECA and at a 3:1 ratio for visits provided by outside entities. IECA allows up to 40% of your total visits to be virtual.
• Number of individual clients, pertaining to this designation, placed over the last five years. This number must be either a) 35 students advised in private practice or b) 50 students advised, with a minimum of 10 advised in private practice and the balance personally advised as a counselor or admission professional.
• Brief description of professional experience in this area and the services provided.
The Therapeutic (T) specialty designation is for IECA Professional members advising clients with emotional or behavioral difficulties. A supplemental application is required with the following:
• Number of years consultant has worked with therapeutic clients.
• Explanation of the kinds of programs for which the consultant is qualified to offer advice and guidance.
• Number and types of therapeutic clients placed.
• Number of therapeutic institutions consultant has visited and assessed in the last five years. A minimum of 50 visits to individual programs is required. Virtual visits may be included in this list starting from the year 2020. Virtual visits may be included at a 2:1 ratio for visits provided through IECA and at a 3:1 ratio for visits provided by outside entities. IECA allows up to 40% of your total visits to be virtual.
• Brief description of consultant's educational training in the mental health/psychology/counseling area and any psychological testing administered.
• Description of the protocol consultant uses when determining placement for therapeutic clients.
Subspecialty Designation Applications
These are not stand-alone designations—they are subspecialties of a primary designation (i.e., T+LD, C+I, etc.). They may be acquired at any time after becoming a Professional member of IECA.
The International (+I) subspecialty designation is for IECA Professional members advising students seeking educational options within the applicant's home country and/or students seeking educational options outside the applicant's home country. A supplemental application is required with the following:
• Description of the protocol used when determining options for an international student, including services and mode of delivery.
• Number and names of schools/colleges/graduate schools/therapeutic programs consultant has visited and assessed in the last five years (including the month and year of each visit), if the applicant is working with students applying to institutions outside the consultant's home country. A minimum of 10 visits to individual institutions in the primary specialty is required. Virtual visits may be included this list starting from the year 2020. Virtual visits may be included at a 2:1 ratio for visits provided through IECA and at a 3:1 ratio for visits provided by outside entities. IECA allows up to 40% of your total visits to be virtual.
• Number of individual clients, pertaining to this designation, placed over the last five years. A minimum of 10 clients per specialty area is required.
• Indication of the number of years consultant has worked with international students.
• Description of business model, including source(s) of compensation.
Learning Disabilities / Neurodiversity
The Learning Disabilities/Neurodiversity (+LD/ND) subspecialty designation is for IECA Professional members serving students with learning disabilities or neurodiversity in any setting, including:
• Schools/colleges/programs whose students all have documented learning disabilities.
• Schools/colleges/programs that have some students with documented learning disabilities and have both LD trained staff and educational programs for students who need those services.
• Schools/colleges/programs that have some students with documented learning disabilities, and have support services for them such as course selection, time management, support groups, guidance, and counseling.
• Postsecondary transition programs for students who have learning disabilities; these programs may offer career exploration, interviewing skills, résumé writing, internships, entry level job placement, independent living, and education and training onsite or off-site.
A supplemental application is required with the following:
• Number of years consultant has worked with clients who have learning disabilities or neurodiversity.
• The number and names of schools/colleges/programs with the models listed above which the consultant has visited and assessed in the last five years (including the month and year of each visit); a minimum of 25 visits to individual institutions is required. Virtual visits may be included in this list starting from the year 2020. Virtual visits may be included at a 2:1 ratio for visits provided through IECA and at a 3:1 ratio for visits provided by outside entities. IECA allows up to 40% of your total visits to be virtual.
• The number of individual clients, pertaining to this designation, placed over the last five years and a description of the types of learning differences; a minimum of 10 clients is required.
• Description of consultant's educational training in special education/counseling/psychology, if applicable.