Prepared by the LD Awareness subcommittee of the IECA Learning Disability Committee

A Resource For All Consultant Specialties

IECA members have the option of pursuing an LD designation as a secondary specialty to the school, college, graduate or therapeutic designations. The number of children diagnosed with learning disabilities as well as other neurological and health impairments such as ADHD is on the rise, as are co-morbid mental health issues. It is our belief that it is critically important for all consultants to have a basic, working understanding of these issues, even if they do not plan to serve this population.


While consultants are free to choose the population with whom they wish to work, IECs with limited knowledge of LD may not recognize when a student has an issue that might require further attention. This is further complicated by the fact that some parents who engage with IECs do not realize that their child may have LD (or they suspect it, but are not ready to face the possibility). Understanding of issues and how they present in a child is essential in such a situation. With more education on LD, a consultant who is not an LD expert might be able to recognize when it may be appropriate to recommend a child for further evaluation or to a colleague with the appropriate LD expertise. The risks of overlooking a potential diagnosis could have long-term negative repercussions for the student.

Consultants without LD experience who take on clients with learning issues may not serve them well despite good intentions. This commonly occurs with students who are very successful academically but have a hidden disability. Our hope is to convey to consultants who take on such cases that there may be more support and guidance that such a student requires—more than meets the eye. Consider the following five factors when meeting with clients:

1. Interpret evidence from the student file and initial parent assessment
Are there comments on report cards that suggest an underperformance in academic areas? Has there been a history of difficulties with social relationships or developing friendships? Do the parents extensively support the student with daily life routines or provide an army of tutors that seems out of the norm? While not all these factors necessarily point to learning disability, they do warrant further investigation on the part of the IEC.

2. Pay attention to the student’s history.
Does the parent refer to a neuropsychological evaluation that was completed many years ago, but says that the student has “outgrown” the disability? Students learn strategies to deal with their disability, but no one outgrows one. Likewise, note reports of early speech and language services or support from a therapist or mental health professional.

3. Observe and listen to the student
Ask the student about study skills, attitudes toward reading, typical feedback received from teachers on writing assignments.  Ask about comfort with math—are some aspects of math more challenging than others? Does the student report difficulty focusing in class or while reading a text? Does the student take a long time to respond to your questions? Is the student able to express ideas eloquently but not able to put them in writing? Is there more than typical incidence of lost papers, missed appointments, or baseball caps and water bottles left behind and general disorganization? Do you notice a flat affect, lack of expression or does the student frequently misinterpret what you say?

4. Note attitude toward school and testing
Does the student dislike school? Are there frequent absences or tardies, and missed assignments?  Does the student have a discrepancy between GPA and test scores? Do they perform well on homework and in-class assignments, but bomb tests? Does the student engage in extracurricular activities? Inconsistencies in methods of evaluation and lack of engagement with school may or may not be due to LD, but they deserve further analysis.

5. Pay attention to student emotional health and self-esteem
Does the student make self-deprecating comments or express feelings of worthlessness or sadness? Does the student worry unnecessarily? Be sure to note comments about difficult family relationships or changing friendship groups. Many students with LD have a connected mental health issue such as anxiety or depression. Students with LD and ADHD also are more likely to have issues with substance abuse.

What to do next?

If you suspect a student may have an LD and you do not feel prepared to serve them, contact an IECA colleague to take over the client or to assist you jointly.

Even if you are not interested in working deliberately with LD clients, please consider developing a base of knowledge about LD by attending relevant preconference workshops and breakout sessions at conferences and viewing webinars and reading on the subject (see resources on IECA website).

The LD Committee is available to support you in your learning. We hope you will become interested in these topics and decide to pursue your LD designation.