Kristina Dooley
  • IECA
President’s Letter: Redefining Greatness

I was born and raised just outside of Cleveland, Ohio….

  • IECA
Planning for Our Fall Conference: Why In-Person Events Matter

In March of 2020, faced with a pandemic of unknown…

A smiling young woman is shown holding a laundry basket, with her parents in the background
  • College
On the Fence: College Enrollment When the Readiness Is in Question

Mental health concerns continue to be on the rise. This…

Young woman working on large toy or model airplane
  • Career Planning
Hot Fields: Careers Your Students Should Consider

Figuring out a career path can be challenging and, for…

  • Asian Students
How are Chinese Students and Families Adjusting to the New Realities of Studying Abroad?

“Is it safe living in the US now? Safety has…

College student blurry lying down behind large glass of alcohol
  • College
Making Sure Your Clients Never Need Crisis Management

Through my crisis management counseling over the last 22 years,…